In Full Bloom Mag | Issue 01 | August 2022

Encouraging Words for Our Single Mamas
You and your love are enough for your children. Realize the incredible power that you have to share love, joy, happiness and peace with your kids even in the midst of circumstances that might seem broken. To hold them tight in your love and point them to the truth: that God is FOR YOU.
Letter from the Hostess
Ladies, I am so so excited that you are here and reading our first issue of In Full Bloom—the first digital magazine exclusively for single moms (if you haven’t subscribed, you can do so HERE).
I’ve searched high and low for support and encouragement in my journey as a single mom and I found that there were so few people who understood the struggle. Even friends and family who wanted nothing more than to be supportive, often just didn’t know what to say or how to help.

A Way Forward
Our vision for In Full Bloom Mag is to bring women like you inspiration and resources that will help you grow as a woman and mother. The best way for single moms to change the narrative around their circumstance is by blooming right where they are planted.
Right for Right Now
I don’t know what your single mom circumstance looks like these days, but I do know that you can live with great purpose right now. You can begin to take steps to create emotional and financial stability for your kids…and maybe even give them more than you could if you were in a relationship with the WRONG MAN (I know that sounds mind blowing but two people doesn’t always equal better circumstances or more stability…sometimes it actually means LESS).
What You Can Expect
In Full Bloom Mag will grow and change as Single Mom Spot grows. We have so many big plans and right now we are a very small team of women creating content. I hope to begin a prayer group this year and as we gain single moms that want to get involved and support other women am excited to brainstorm about how we can connect and help eachother…especially knowing how limited we all are on time and energy. This month we added 1,000 single moms to our community and we are beyond grateful! So many of you are bearing your souls and being so candid and open about what you are going through. THANK YOU.
Here’s a peek at what is to come…Get excited about articles on:
- Dating & Relationships — Articles that are especially for single women with kids.
- Money & Finances — We want to equip women to start creating the life they really want for themselves and their kids TODAY.
- Faith & Family — We want to get to the heart of the issues you struggle with the most. As a collective we want to live deeper, fuller, more meaningful lives with our kids. We can’t do it all alone, but God is there to help us.
- Book Suggestions — Reads that will really begin to change your life and perspective.
- Inspiration, Encouragement & Resources Curated for Single Moms — Each month (and hopefully more often as we grow!) we will round up the best of our ideas, shared experiences and research and get them to your inbox with In Full Bloom Mag.
What We Are Learning About YOU
Prayer is very important to our single mom community. Not all of our mamas are Christians but that said, MOST of our moms pray. I am a Christian and I KNOW that prayer and my relationship with God has changed my life as a single mom. It doesn’t mean that everything is perfect, but truly knowing and SEEING that God is there for me and my kids assures me that he has a great plan for our future and that my journey through single motherhood is INTENTIONAL.
Stay Subscribed & Get Involved
I truly want Single Mom Spot to impact your life. Our site and resources will grow and change with you. By connecting in the forum or on social media you are supporting other women like you. If you are aren’t reading what you need to this month, consider maybe that a different mom needed the information that you are reviewing. The password to post: connect.
We Need Help
IF you work for a corporation or small business that would like to support a site dedicated to serving the women and children that need it most, tell them about Single Mom Spot.
If you are a single mom AND an author or small business owner who would like to promote your business, contact us and let’s collaborate. We want to support YOU.
Meet the Collective
Each month we feature a pic from a single mom in our growing collective. Send us a cute pic (or two!) of you and your kiddos HERE.

4 Weeks of Reading, Stay Connected in Less that 20 Minutes a Week
We know you’re busy! We’ve curated content so that you can make time for one single mom centric article a week.
Join Us in the Prayer War Room
Prayer Requests for August will be listed here and some will also be featured on social media. You can share your request by visiting the Prayer Requests page or by using the form below.
🙏Will you pray with us for Stephanie and the other single moms? We need you! 💕
~ Stephanie
~ Candice
~ Crystal
~ Jamie
Our New Project to Help Tell the True Story of Single Motherhood: The Single Mom Diaries
Ladies, I received this heartfelt video from Jessica and she said that I could share it. I’ve been so inspired by the women who are sharing their stories. Thank you for being willing to tell us about where you are at and how you got there. It inspires and encourages other single moms and helps us all to realize that we aren’t alone. Also, if you feel inspired to share your story with us, please do so by sending a video, message or responding the to the VideoAsk (like Jessica did).
Financial Resources
We know that financial stability is a top priority for single moms. We also know that while money is not a struggle in every single mom household, it is in MANY. We are working tirelessly to create programs and bring resources that will help you create a plan for the future of your family. Every month we will have new updates to our financial resources and we are really, REALLY excited to connect our community with information, plans and ideas that will help you change your life right now.
Book of the Month
We will only recommend books that we think are amazing and LIFE CHANGING for single moms. By the end you’ll be wondering if he’s single!
August Book Recommendation: The Man God Has for You by Stephan Labossiere
AMAZING BOOK. Stephan Labossiere is not only a relationship GENIUS, but he challenges women to expect the best from the men in their lives and to trust God with their dreams for their future husbands.

Where to Buy?
My single mom friend gave it to me as a gift for Christmas. You can grab your copy HERE.
If you grab a copy of this book and LOVE it as much as we did, please let us know! If you know of a great book that other single mamas NEED TO READ, share it with us!
Follow Us On Social Media
By following Single Mom Spot you show support and help us reach other single moms! Our primary work IS NOT social media. We use social media as a means to meet you and bring us to the special resources just for single moms that you won’t find anywhere but here. 💕
And forward to a friend!
Thank you for joining Single Mom Spot! We can’t wait to see the incredible growth that is in store for the women in this community who are 100% committed to living their best lives as women and as mothers right now.
With Love,
P.S. This is super exciting…we were listed on the Top 100 Single Mom Blogs by Feedspot. If you are looking for additional resources, the Feedspot article is a great place to start finding more content that is relevant to your single mom journey.
My name is Jenna and I am the founder of Single Mom Spot. I've been a single mom for almost 10 years now. I'm a Christian and mama to two kids that I love like crazy. I started this site because I know how difficult single motherhood can be...and also, how beautiful. I believe that single motherhood helped make me into the best version of myself as a woman and mom. My hope, is that through a connection point like Single Mom Spot, women can share their experiences and grow together. What an amazing thing if every single mom could live her best life as a woman and mother right now, in the middle of her most challenging life circumstance. How bold. How beautiful. How unforgettable. Thank you for reading and supporting Single Mom Spot.
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